Help// Anyone

<p>I am sort of confused. I took a practice test and one of the questions was: Which of the graphs have a range of (-5,5). I failed the question because according to the prep book, the range is inclusive of -5 but exclusive of 5. I am kinda confused because I have seen ranges in this format that were inclusive of both ends or is there some different bracket for each type. Man, I am con-f-uu-ss-ee-d.</p>

<p>Are you sure it was (-5,5)?
According to your description, it would have been [-5,5) note the that the [ means inclusive</p>

<p>The question is on Sparknotes. Practice test 2 Math Level 2. The range was (5,5).I am very sure. Anyway, are you saying [means inclusive and ( means non-inclusive</p>

<p>Yeah, you learn about it in Pre-Calculus.</p>