Help? Big Decision.

<p>So, I've been admitted to UMaryland, UMiami, UCSB (admitted to CCS), and UCSD. I live in PA, and I want to be out in CA SO BADLY. I was wondering if anyone could help me make a decision as to where to go? I'm currently leaning towards UCSB. Thanks in advance!</p>

i don’t know about your schools in maryland, but in terms of cali schools, UCSD is more prestigious than UCSB. UCSB has a reputation to be a party school, and it usually attracts people of the sort. It accepts about 50% of its applicants, and is ranked a little behind irvine which makes it about 5th in the UC system…</p>

<p>UCSD accepts about 40% and is 3rd ranked in the UC system, after cal and UCLA. It is considered to have a better rep, but some people dont like the way it’s separated into different schools (i.e muir, revelle, etc)…</p>

<p>any UC in general i think has a good rep, because UC’s are all top-notch in research and are mainly tier 1. So i think it all comes down to what you prefer in terms of atmosphere. For me, i’d pick UCSD before UCSB, but UCI before UCSD… so i dont know… go visit the schools and see how you like the feel of it. I recommend you taking advantage of the UC system though… great weather, great professors, great research/ studying abroad opportunities…and of course, the BEACH! ;]</p>

<p>good luck with your decision! :D</p>

<p>Both are great schools, but UCSD wins overall in academics.</p>

<p>I assume finances aren’t an issue, because the UC’s are very expensive for OOS students, and the areas around UCSD and UCSB are all quite expensive.</p>

<p>I’d agree UCSD has the stronger science program, except in marine biology, where UCSB has a very strong undergraduate program. (UCSD has Scripps, which is fabulous, but not much about it is open to undergrads.)</p>

<p>I understand that UCSD has greater academics, which is good, but I’ve also heard that it dies on the weekends and no one has a life…is there any truth in this? I’m pretty active with clubs and stuff, so I’d like to continue this.</p>

<p>^A lot of people on College Confidential just blindly pick a higher ranked college. For example, I doubt the posters know what CCS is, since they didn’t address that part of your post. I think the education you’ll get in CCS is just as good as UCSD, and CCS admits have higher GPA/SAT scores than the general UCSD student.</p>

<p>Also, Irvine is not ranked “a little higher” than UCSB, at least not in US News, where UCI and UCSB are tied for 44th place (along with Davis). </p>

<p>And finally, you say you’re an out-of-state student, so you’ll likely not know anyone and you’ll be in a totally new place. The great thing about UCSB is that most of the students live together in one of two places, either on campus, or directly adjacent in Isla Vista. This means you are close to all the friends you will make, and the town, mostly students, caters to the young population and has a lively atmosphere. </p>

<p>At UCSD, after freshman dorming, many students move out and spread themselves out through La Jolla or Pacific Beach, and have to commute to campus by car or bus (at UCSB, everyone commutes by car). The sense of community isn’t as strong. Also, UCSD has Division II sports, as opposed to Division I at UCSB.</p>

<p>That’s really good stuff to know, thank you!</p>

<p>A UC at $46K/year is not something many parents would be willing to pay for considering their very low 4 year graduation rates. These schools are in financial crisis and have been cutting classes and resources.</p>