HELP!Chance get in Harvey Mudd

<p>I'm a international student from China but I'm on an exchange program which I have been studying in an American high school for my junior and senior year. It is private all girl school in OH. I have visited Harvey Mudd and did the overnight program. I love there a lot and wonder if I can get in. I will be asking for FA as well. Following are some information</p>

<p>GPA:4.2 (weighted junior year)</p>

<p>AP Test
AP Calculus BC(5)
AP Chinese (5)</p>

<p>Current Courses
English VI
Honors Multi-variable Calculus
Advanced Statistics
AP Physics C
Honors Chemistry
Latin 1</p>

<p>TOEFL iBT 106
SAT 1900 (I can probably make it to 2000+)
SAT II Math 2 800 Physics 700(retaking it soon)</p>

<p>Advice Needed!! Thank you~</p>

<p>你竟然take Chinese。Possibly the reason you can’t, if you don’t get in. Your taking Chinese is almost like cheating on a test to get a higher GPA. Admission officer will definitely hate this. If you have to, take some Spanish I or something.</p>