<p>how would you guys go about geting recs from a teacher you asked in nov to send them out witthout sounding rude? </p>
<p>i need help this lady one day acts like a graduate level professor then all of a sudden does a 180 and starts saying things like "ive been teacherin' for ten years now" ? debated asking her but i was one of two students in our grade to get a b+ and in one class and one of four to get an A in another. this was no small feat so i was expecting a glowing rec, all she had to do was fill them out and drop them in the mail! yesterday i logged into the uncommon app at chicago to find that her rec is all they need. i think to myself well its just one maybe theyre just overwhelmed there. but i started checking all my credentials and they all need a rec from this lady. i know she may not have been the best choice if she cant even mail a pre stamped and addressed envolope, but she also was supposed to write me this special rec for the big C and i cant ask another teacher now because they all think im insane for applying to U of C.</p>
<p>any advice?</p>