So after being a lurker for a long time I decided to make an account (woo hoo!).
My question is this:
I’m almost 20, I’ll be 21 by the time I’m accepted at a college for Fall 2016. I’ve been told that this won’t affect my admission process or how competitive I am, in anyone’s experience reading this, is this true?
Also it’s been 2 years since I’ve left high school, I’ve kept busy, but unfortunately I’ve taken 5 credits worth of some music courses at a community college, making me a transfer student at some colleges (such as Princeton or University of Chicago), however I know some other colleges only count you as a Transfer if you have enrolled more at least half-time at a college as a degree seeking student. 5 credits in one semester is definitely not enough to satisfy that criteria. I’ve tried contacting many of the college admissions through email with this same question but only some have answered, and out of those only some have given me new information that I haven’t already read on the sometimes vaguely worded FAQ. Would Harvard still consider me a freshman applicant? Even 2 years out of high school, and 5 credits of college music courses?
Also if you don’t know about Harvard, what about these
Thank to anyone who took the time to read everything!