<p>I ended my first year of college with a 1.8 gpa which is below the minimum requirement to satisfy SAP standards. But i do have reasons. My father got hooked on and sold crack cocaine when i was 3 years old unknowningly my mother still dropped me off with him because they agreed on a custody agreement before i was born with him seeing me every other weekend. My father sould do drugs around me and even would pass out or go sell and leave me with his friends (thieves, drug addicts, you name it) one man who told me to call him uncle became the one to watch me the majority of time, who is now a known rapist. When i was five my father began to molest me. This happened for a year until my father was arrested on a drug bust october of '99. I burried everything deep inside and it was all forgotten with the birth of my sister who was born with a tumor.</p>
<p>I was always depressed, suffered from anger issues, and horfible self confidence and as tims went on i would flucfuate between horrible depression and being perfectly fine. </p>
<p>I graduated highschool received a 30 on my ACT and headed off to college. I was doing fine but after 11 years my father got back in touch with me and told me he was released from prison. This was a few weeks after the start of the semester. This brought up a lot of issues in my past, i spiralled into depression and attempted suicide one weekend. </p>
<p>Im better now, in therapy, and have an appointment booked with a psychiatrist for anxiett and depression. My father is back in prison after violating his parole. </p>
<p>What should i include in my appeal letter? I have documentation of when my father went to jail and was released and when he was sent away again. Should i get phone records? Psychologist statements? Psychiatrist and prescription notes?</p>