Help finding targets and safeties [4.0/34ACT, Studio Art, Creative Writing, etc, needs high financial aid / scholarships]

If you’re near the Questbridge limit, you could reach out - it’s not a strict cutoff, they take lots of things into account (unless you’ve already done so for your child.)
In any case it should mean you’d get excellent FA from “meet need colleges”.
Since you already know the highly selective ones, I’ll try and try avoiding “highly selective” names!

Are Whitman and Carleton within budget?
Seconding St Olaf, Beloit, Lawrence, and Kalamazoo, adding Grinnell and Macalester for this area.
Macalester is urban but in one of the nicest city neighborhoods I know - everything is very walkable, public transportation allows you to get to concerts&Museums, etc.
Hamline is less residential but a safety indeed, as would be Elmhurst. Elmhurst is quite liberal.
UPuget Sound has good FA&good merit, definitely worth a look as would Lewis&Clark and Willamette.
Souhern Oregon U is a public LAC, and Western Washington U is a small -ish universiy but I’m not sure what type of merit they offer.
Have you looked into Denison (match due to acceptance rate but low match otherwise), Ursinus (safety, special scholarship for Creative Writing).
She’d need to express interest at all private colleges ASAP. (Set up “college” email address, “join the mailing list”, open emails they send, click on links that look interesting).
Truman State would be a safety, both financially&academically, while being academically strong.


Although the University of Iowa doesn’t appear in this creatively written article, the colleges you specifically named do:

Nonetheles, other lists, such as these, commonly include U Iowa:

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