<p>Hi, I'm a high school junior and just diving in to the complicated college search process... I saw Pomona when I was out in california last summer and got really good vibes from it. my problem is that i don't know much about it academics wise and whether or not it is a realistic option for me (I've been told how hard it is to get in...) First off, how is pomona for languages??? I know it has a good study abroad program andstuff, but I've not heard much about that. Second off, I guess I'll ask the ol' cliched "chances" question. sorry, i know these are annoying, but I'm really confused now about where to go see for spring break and how I may look to places like pomona.</p>
<p>the basics...
Attend a Sci-Tech magnet school in Fairfax, Va
class of 2007
GPA: 3.97 right now... not sure how it'll look at the end of the year, since my calc grade has something to be desired. My other B+ was in Alg. 2/ Trig frosh year.</p>
<p>Schedule thusfar (all classes are so-called "honors")</p>
Introduction to Engineering/technology
Russian 1,2,3
World Hist. 1, 2
AP Modern European Hist.
AP US Hist.
Alg. 2/Trig, Precalc, AP calc BC
Introduction to Computer Science in JAVA
Materials Science/Prototyping
Bio/Chem/Physics (1 each year)</p>
<p>I haven't taken any APs next year.</p>
<p>Next year:
AP Gov./AP English Lit (integrated seminar format)
AP Russian Lang.
Chinese 1
Modern World History/America and the World since 1989
Senior research project (Probably in Prototyping)
<p>Will not taking math hurt me next year??? BC calc is killing me now (I study my a** off and am still getting a B). I would much rather start Chinese frankly.</p>
<p>I haven't taken SAT IIs yet, but SAT Is are looking decent: M 740 CR 750 W 730</p>
Russian Club
-Member since 9th grade
-co-president this year (maybe next too, depends...)
Russian Honor Society
-I hold a lot of lesser leadership positions and plan to run for president
Tutoring (10th and 11th grae, 1 hour a week)
Odyssey of the Mind (9th and 10th grade)
Guitar-lessons since 7th grade
Volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 6 hours every 2 weeks
NHS (inducted this year...)
Member of Young Democrats (not that involved...)</p>
Wilderness program summer before freshman year (I love nature!!!)
Volunteered for 3 weeks at a drama camp after freshman year
Russian Immersion Camp (concordia Language villages) 4-weeks (for credit) after sophomore year</p>
<p>This summer I'll be working (alas)
trying for a job @ state dept. or history research job @ GMU, but if not, I'll work at borders or something, which is fun too. I don't really care as long as I can make some wages for myself.</p>
<p>In addition, I've gotten some awards in Russian (regional/national competitions), but nothing too special.</p>
<p>Anyways, thanks for reading my post thingie. I don't wanna sound rude or pretentious. I just honestly have NO idea what colleges want/expect. I'm an oldest kid and most of the kids at my school are INSANE students. Its just hard for me to judge myself against most kids when I'm in such a pressure cooker school. I get a lot of flack from some people who are getting all sorts offancy NIH internships and such and I just don't know where I measure up...
so again, thanksfor coming to the rescue of a clueless juniior.</p>