<p>I applied ED for NYU for 2014-2015 school year and I'm having some troubles filling out the css profile.</p>
<p>Its asking me for all these 2013 estimates and or 2013 values such as how much gross receipts and expenses our companies used. But we didn't file the 2013 taxes yet. So do i just estimate based on 2012's values?</p>
<p>Yes…you estimate. Use year to date information so that you can make those estimates as accurate as possible. Remember that the financial aid awards based on estimates are also estimates…and even with ED, if the REAL 2013 figures are higher, your aid will be reduced. </p>
<p>Also, it sounds like you are self employed or own a business. Sometimes self employed folks don’t complete their taxes until October. This is NOT the year to do that. You want to be sure that your kiddo’s financial aid package has been finalized. You really want to get those taxes done ASAP after February 1.</p>
<p>thank you!
also if my 2013 figures are lowered will my aid be raised? I know my husbands income will decrease by around 10k-15k. We only had around 59,000 of income in 2012 so if our 2013 income is around 35000-45000, will we receive more aid?</p>
<p>NYU doesn’t meet need so it’s impossible to say if your aid would be different. However, if you expect to have less income this year, write what you expect to have this year; don’t just use last year’s figures.</p>