I’m taking my first SAT tmrw, and I am freakin out so freakin bad!! Is there a way to calm myself down!!
I tried telling myself is not gonna be a big deal and that I already know I am goin to get tomorrow(because I have done multiple practice SAT). But nothin seems workin… PLZ help!!
@TheSmartKidd Do you have a good imagination? Imagine the “best case” scenario: you walk so cool and calm like it’s just another Saturday and quietly do so well. You even get a better score than you have been on the practices. Picture a crazy worst case scenario too: you wake up late, can’t find car keys, can’t find the right door to enter the building, etc etc… Plan to enact the first scene! That’s you!
And prepare tonight so you don’t enact that second scene! (lay out your clothes, pack your snacks, water, change calc batteries, print ticket, get ID ready TONIGHT). And casually review some vocab so you feel like you’re preparing.
Tomorrow morning, eat some eggs or cereal while watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP3MFBzMH2o