For those of you in jobs or who just now accepted a job, can u post information about it? Don’t post so much as to give away your identify (which could happen if you are hired by a small company).
college: ?
Major: ?
Job offers/title/salary (include value or type of other benefits in separately :?
And I took (include negotiated salary): Job, title, salary
College: Podunk U
GPA: 3.0
Offers: Sony/Time keeper/12K (plus 2k/retirement); valueo/meter reader/45K (plus 3K health & 2Kretiremt) , Upchuck Corp/Cleaner/60K (plus 5% retirement); Barneyboys, Gr8t Inc/Sweeper/45k (plus 2K retirement).
And I took: Gr8t/Sweeper/100K (good negotiating on my part)
Please limit your post to things relevant to the topic of this thread