<p>Hey, I was just wondering if anyone knew if the quality of signing up for a possible "low-cost" dorm at NYU was worth it being low-cost?
I guess I'm afraid that by signing up I'll get something that is very tiny dorming with like 5 people, and having a horrible view where something is broken...
My family is struggling with the money, so low-cost would definately be a go, but I guess I just also wanted to think about my comfort, and what I was really getting into?
Is there a difference in quality??
Thanks all!</p>
<p>Rubin low cost is worth it. I don’t know about Hayden, didn’t like it.</p>
<p>aha! thank you for replying. so i guess there are different rooms specifically for the low-cost living…</p>
<p>Low-cost at Lafayette can be good if you get a low-cost 01 room. (I was in 1601.) The kitchen is normal-sized but there’s no common area. However, what makes up for it is that one of the bedrooms is HUGE - when I got back from London, I got put into that bedroom all by myself, and it was glorious. It’s still plenty big for two people.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t recommend Lafayette’s low-cost triples, though. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the room number, but one of my friends was put there, and it was ridiculously laid out. For any privacy at all, you had to go to the bathroom.</p>