Help Making Decision

<p>Along with USC, Miami is one of the most diverse campuses in the US. Of course, the primary “sources” of diversity are Latin & South America and the Caribbean Nations. I would think an international student would find it fairly easy to assimilate into campus.</p>

<p>I cannot speak specifically to the Business School beyond saying that the new dean was in the administration at the Wharton School and is aggressively working on improving the B-School’s profile nationally. That said, Babson and (I think) Indiana have what are generally considered the top undergraduate entrepreneurial programs in the US.</p>

<p>Intl students easily integrate at Miami.</p>

<p>However Miami is not very economically diverse. It is fairly ethnically/racially diverse though compared to most private schools.</p>

<p>ABOUT TEACHERS: (I’m a freshman)
I have had 2 really bad teachers (as in shouldnt be teaching b/c they were too easy and were terrible at teaching)
I’ve had 3 average-to above average teachers
2 really, really good teachers. One was amazing at explaining everything. Genuinely nice, and showed us his research and stuff in geography and all his world travels.
The other one he tells you to call him on his cell phone all the time to discuss your papers for religion. he is a genius and he really pushes you to think outside the box.</p>

<p>Finally I’ve had one teacher who is probably the best teacher I’ve ever had. Great lecturer, never boring, writes pages worth of comments on our essays. yes i said pages. He’s hilarious, a pure genius and genuinely great guy.</p>

<p>So IN SUMMARY…I’ve had a mix of teacher. some bad some good. has not really let me down yet (My two bad teachers I had to take)</p>

<p>The students at UM are more apathetic than stuck up, but they do act a bit conceited. Not all students are like this, but a majority that you run into are. It’s a very individualistic and materialistic culture. AGAIN- not everyone is like this, but you have to search for those who aren’t.</p>

<p>It is an advantage if you want to have good recommendations or need an advisor. </p>

<p>It depends on the program. If you’re pre-med, then the science classes are hard to get through and a little bit cold. If you’re a business student it’s very competitive because it’s based on a curve. But otherwise it is extremely laid back, and most people are not known for their thirst for academic inquiry.</p>

<p>The diversity does not enrich the experience. This is in no way saying that the diverse people do not enrich the school. It’s more that they stick together and do not mingle with anyone else. International students hang out with international students, Asians with Asians, African-Americans with African-Americans etc. There are, of course, exceptions, but it might as well be middle school with the way people segregate themselves.</p>

<p>The cost does not justify the attendance, unless you plan on going to the beach and clubbing constantly. Then the cost for the location is justified because there aren’t many places you can do that. Most people wonder where all of their money goes. </p>

<p>The only thing I would say for UM against UF is that you are not surrounded by students and alum constantly. Gainesville may as well be Gatorville, whereas in Miami you can go out and not constantly run into people from school.</p>

<p>Also, in regards to the socioeconomic status of students, at UM there are many people on scholarship, but a lot of people are riding on Mommy and Daddy’s paycheck. </p>

<p>You will definitely see students driving Mercedes, Lexus, etc. There are even freshmen students who are required to live in the dorms but live in apartments outside of school because “they don’t want to live in the dorms” and yet still pay for that dorm room!</p>

<p>At UF I’m sure there’s a better mix of people and their economic status, so you may not feel surrounded by money. </p>

<p>UM is what you make of it really, but the atmosphere does weigh heavily on your options.</p>

<p>As far as UF students being stuck up… yes this is mostly true. However I would not make this a major consideration as far as keeping me from going there. I am trying to go there for grad school actually. But, ya… I had a friend I went to high school w/ that became rather stuck up, so my only advice would be to try to not fall into the pattern… One thing that I thought was hilarious visiting there is the fact that 80% of the guys I saw had the same exact wardrobe usually accessorized by a pair of sunglasses hanging around their neck – above the knee khaki shorts, polo shirts, gators shirts, and guy harvey shirts – always accompanied by a pair of sperry boat shoes. So, ya there is not too much diversity… Oh ya, and I hope you like football or you will be constantly annoyed by the surplus of UF football fans.</p>