I need soo much help making this decision!

<p>Should I go to UM or FSU? My problem is wholly cost related...</p>

<p>I am an undergraduate--for UM I would have to pay half the tuition, so that's around 18,000 in loans per year (not including room and board). FSU is a public school for which I have a full scholarship tuition wise, would only have to pay room and board. People are telling me that where you go for undergraduate doesn't matter and I really don't want to indebt myself so much, not to mention indebt my overly generous kind parents. :/ is it worth it? what if I run out of money by the time I need to go to grad school? I'm very willing to work hard, though, as in, have no life work-hard. FSU is an okay school I heard, but I've never visited. I went to the UM accepted student open house and really liked it. I want to be a psychiatrist (med school degree and all) and major also in creative writing/literature. I am in desperate need of advise.</p>

<p>How was the Accepted student program? I wish i had gotten to go!</p>

<p>I’m in a similar boat with you man, except it’s either UF or UM (with scholarship) which would cover a little less than 50%.</p>

<p>By the looks of it, I think it would be worth it for what Miami can give over a public school?</p>

<p>I’m not sure, I’m facing the same conflict as you…</p>

<p>AHH finally someone that relates :slight_smile: hahah</p>

<p>the open house was nice, it was informative and interesting for the most part (some of the speeches got boring after a while). There are definitely many benefits to going there, and the campus was beautiful! they have so many trees! All the students I came across were very friendly, and all games and concerts and movie-showings are free whoohoooo! They play human chess during hurricane lockdown my tour guide said hahaha…
The speeches were interesting, about how UM has improved dramatically these past years, is in top 50 schools, very small class sizes taught by professors etc etc…also said that more kids get into Harvard law school from UM than anyone else (except Ivies of course.) Just listing all the stuff I liked I guess :stuck_out_tongue: they also talked about the great diversity and great opportunities–they have like 250 clubs or something like that, and you can create your own. A great deal of extracurricular options as well.</p>

<p>did you get any financial aid in addition to the scholarship? I got 12k financial aid and some small scholarships, still waiting for some responses as well…</p>

<p>sorry if I rambled, I think I’m internally trying to convince myself to go, but idkk</p>

<p>Sounds fun! I attended one last year…The only problem left is idk if i connect to the campus just yet (I loved USF and UF) Maybe another visit shall help.</p>

<p>As for the Financial Aid, I just received a In-state grant, Brightfutures, and scholarship.
Other than that, unfortunately, is all loans. I can get about 23k covered each year (give or take).</p>

<p>Hmm I’m in same boat, i’m trying to convince myself</p>

<p>hey guys I’m in the same situation picking between UF and UM if Cornell does not come through (still hoping)
I went to the open house over the weekend to found it great, loved the campus
I got full tuition covered in my financial aid package at both schools
UM offered 38,000 without loans and UF gave 15,000 without loans
I’d be an engineering major and research is huge for me so I’m torn between the two schools. I want to go to MIT for grad school (i got differed admission this year then wait listed)</p>

<p>I would say FSU. I know that UM is a “better” school. i loved it when i visited, although a few things bothered me that made me cross it off my list. You’ll get an excellent education there, but FSU is still a nationally recognized school, and undergrad really doesn’t matter as much. If you weren’t planning on going to grad school (teacher, etc), I would say Miami. But grad school just costs SO much money…</p>

<p>I suggest going over to the collegeboard’s student loan calculator page.: </p>

<p>[Student</a> Loan Calculator - Calculate Your Student Loan Repayments](<a href=“http://apps.collegeboard.com/fincalc/sla.jsp]Student”>http://apps.collegeboard.com/fincalc/sla.jsp)</p>

<p>Using somewhat optimistic assumptions, $18K per year for 4 years leaves you with 10-years of monthly debt payments of $800 upon graduation. Many people feel that 15% of monthly gross income is the maximum you want to commit to for college debt. That works out to needing a job paying $64K; that’s a huge number for a college undergrad. Throw on the cost of medical school and the debt load truly becomes overwhelming.</p>

<p>As much as we’ve been happy with Miami, the right financial decision given the info you’ve shared with us, is to go to FSU.</p>

<p>Just for reference on the grad schools, most grad schools that I’ve looked into actually offer scholarships to cover the full tuition - you don’t get accepted without it. Med school is a different story. If you go to Stanford grad for biology, for example, they pay you, not the other way around.</p>

<p>I’ve also been looking into the loans that UM offers there’s one that for 15000 borrowed per year would make me pay 182 dollars per month for 15 yrs. That doesn’t sound so unreasonable. Also, once you’re in UM, are there no chances of finding scholarships?</p>

<p>Also, there’s a new rule that forbids loan givers to charge the student more than 10% of their salaries per month…my parents are so set on doing this, I’m the one that keeps telling them not to precisely because of the debt situation, I guess it all comes down to whether UM is worth it.</p>

<p>And for grad school my present plans are to work very hard and do lots of extracurriculars and volunteering etc and get a full scholarship, which I failed to do for high school (where did absolutely nothing the first two yrs), which is why I didn’t get a full scholarship >=( ughh</p>

<p>Then it’s a personal decision, I looked up something about undergrad salaries from students who graduated from UM, and UF. I was shocked to see that UM’s graduates had a higher salary (and not by a little, more than 10k I believe). Can anyone shed some light on that?</p>

<p>I know, it really is…still, I’m going to drive over to FSU this weekend and see if I feel some sort of magic there that inevitably draws me to it! since I really know absolutely nothing about it. I’m just very indecisive. I think I definitely need to visit FSU before making a decision, though. How come you don’t consider it as one of your options? you’re going for pre-med too, aren’t you?</p>

<p>Regarding the salaries, perhaps UM offers more interactive out-of-classroom opportunities? which enlarge experience and I guess consequently salaries? but that’s just a guess I really don’t know</p>

<p>I did consider it at the time, but i don’t think FSU is for me (not a big seminole fan har har).
It’s tough, it really is, I’ll have a sit down with my parents to really get what they are saying. I enjoyed UM when i visisted and I really do like it as well as UF. Hmm I don’t know.</p>