Why U Miami?

<p>For those of you who go to UM, have been accepted EA/ED and intend to go to UM, or those who are still waiting RD and have a desire to go to UM... why? Outside of specific features of your major at UM, what attracts you to it and makes it unique when compared to other universities?</p>

<li>location, weather, great school spirit, beautiful campus, academics arent too difficult but arent too easy, students are passionate about their studies/majors/school, DIVERSITY, beaches, plenty to do around campus all the time, tons of cultural events with a billion ways to get involved, just so much going on lol i could go on forever</li>

<p>Everything that champion101 said, plus the whole vibe. When we visited last year, it seemed like everyone was happy, everyone actually WANTED to be there. I just got that feeling of, “yes, this is where I want to be.”</p>

<p>I third champion101, the overall feel of the school is just unique. Up north where I live, all the campuses are the same, brick or stone buildings and cold weather. UM has more modern looking buildings set around a beautiful lake. There is so much diversity on campus, between the people and even the animals. I was on campus a few weeks back and there were all these weird birds and jumping fish. Everyone wears shorts to class, you can go study by the pool in between classes and during finals, they set up hammocks between the palm trees. Miami is truly unique and I hope I can (afford to) be a Hurricane next year! :)</p>

<p>Loved it when i visited too, but got def’rd EA. Just recently got into UF. I have my fingers crossed for good news in March so I’m hoping I actually have a choice. Coming form CT., anywhere in FLA is a win. Could people who are familiar with both schools tell the pro’s and cons and any other contrasts that will help me decide. Thanks!</p>


Ahh, good luck… decisions shouldn’t be too far off!!</p>

<p>Some of the biggest differences (and most favorable towards UM) for me are:
-Size of the undergraduate student body (UM’s being about 1/3rd the size of UF’s)
-Private vs. public: In terms of quality of the university (not the education, but the facilities, student treatment, things available to you, etc.), you’ll get what you pay for, to some degree.
-Miami vs. Gainesville: Essentially a no-brainer. Miami is a real city that doesn’t revolve around UM; the Spanish culture is neat, you can probably pick up Spanish if you’ve taken it in HS and aren’t yet fluent, there’s never a dull moment.</p>

<p>Thanks. All good points. I think I am trying to brace for a softer landing if i dont get the chance to choose.</p>

<p>I’ve told my mom for the last 2 years: I’m not going to UM. </p>

<p>Basically because I wanted to have a complete change of settings (I live 45 min from UM) and because my sister attends and brother plans to attend. I wanted complete independence.</p>

<p>But then I visited the campus.</p>

<p>I’ve been raised as a hurricane (both parents alumns) but I’ve never actually visited UM (unless magic camp when I was 7 years old counts). After being accepted EA, I decided to take a campus tour and see what all the fuss of UM was about.</p>

<p>I have to say, I was pretty blown away. The campus is absolutely beautiful. I had this image in my head that the buildings were old and gross, but it really is a great, vibrant and clean campus. Also, the opportunities available at UM such as research, study abroad, programs for pre-meds to shadow doctors at a local hospital, attracted me. Not to mention the fact that famous icons such as president Obama and Bill Clinton (to name a few) hold speeches for the students, as well as free concerts for the students.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s all great. But you can find this at several other colleges. The one thing that is incredibly unique at UM is the incredible environment and student body. You will NOT find a student body like this anywhere else. The students are all just generally happy. Very spirited and fun. And all very kind. I’ve heard about “stuck up” people at UM, but I didn’t sense that vibe at all. </p>

<p>I am thankful for the eye opening visit, because it would have been a shame if I had crossed UM off my list.</p>

<p>I agree with all the previous posters, generally.</p>

<p>For me, the biggest drawing feature of UM is that we have everything.</p>

<p>Lots of places have great academics, have great sports programs, have great diversity, are in great locations, etc. But UM is one of the only schools that has it all.</p>

<p>Cosign with everyone, there’s nothing else I can even add it’s all been said.</p>

<p>Okay Miami is reallllly hot right now. I’m sweating walking to class lol</p>

<p>Anyone know if there is grade inflation/deflation at UM? Or is what you get what you earn?</p>

<p>It really depends on the department and class.</p>

<p>The chemistry department, for example, has a policy of having the class average be somewhere around 75. The biology department has a similar policy. So, professors in these departments usually make exams really hard to put the average around a 60 (in order to get a wider spread of students) and then put averages around that curve. Meaning, for example, the top 10% of students get an A, the next 20% get a B, the next 50% get a C, the next 15% get a D, and the next 5% get an F. This practice also varies, though. I know one professor who does this, but counts each person who drops the class as an F grade, so that helps students who remain in the class.</p>

<p>Also, some department don’t do this. I have never known a philosophy professor to curve, and grades in philosophy classes usually average 85 or so. In fact, in most classes, the average is around an 80-85, which would make the average GPA around a 2.7-3.0. And I think that’s pretty standard.</p>

<p>This is my perspective, though. People in other departments might have different experiences. I think English, for example, gives out a lot of A’s, and all the business people I know get really high grades in their classes for the major.</p>

<p>School of business has grade band policy; the average grade of students in all business classes (except Honor class ) must be between 3.0 and 3.3 ( B to B+ ). In general, I think getting B or B+ in business classes is not challenging, but if you want to get A- or A, you must work really hard.</p>

<p>I’m planning to major in Biology. Wohoo I get the most difficult scale haha</p>