Help me! anything to improve or chances?

Im a sophomore in Highschool right now and I was wondering if there was anything i can improve on or get to help me get into a good UC

Freshman year 4.0/4.0
Sophomore year: 3.5 ._. I got a B and a C in algebra 2 H and chemistry H/ still working on it but 3.8?
(my school doesnt go above a 4)

Jv basketball (2 years) Team Captain and MVP twice
Red Cross(trying out for cabinet)
Speech and Debate
going to a Leadership Development camp
Internship with Red Cross
VBS (vacation bible school) volunteer for church
Staff Writer for school newspaper
Historian for ACL (american sign language)


Majors im thinking about
Biomedical Sciences
something in the Med department

IS there anything I can do or anything i need to get like

for ACT Score

gpas for junior year
volunteering at a hospital?

PLEASE HELP ;( the schools I def would love to get into are UCSB UCI UCSD UCLA and CAL

This is the transfer thread, try posting in the freshman admission thread. But if you are looking at transfer, your high school grades/scores are irrelevant.

As a tip though, if your school uses naviance, then you can see average stats for each of those schools from your high schools on there. That’s more important than overall stats as UCs tend to compare you to your peers for admissions. Just try and aim for those averages.

Wrong place to ask this.

Also you should note that the UC’s don’t care about your freshmen grades. They don’t count in any way.Good luck though!

…and getting in to Journalism will be a lot more doable than anything in life sciences at UC. Your proposed major, more than any other factor including GPA, determines how competitive your application will be for UC. Yet don’t plan on switching majors; it might not happen.

Your UC GPA is calculated from grades 10 and 11 only, with 1 extra grade point for AP or UC-approved Honors courses. That is why you see people on this forum citing GPAs above 4.0. Study hard for the SAT and ACT. Re-take if necessary.

Read the College Admissions - Lessons Learned threads. Super valuable, wish I had done it a year ago. You are smart to be proactive.

Best to apply widely and be prepared with Plan B, such as doing great in community college and transferring as a junior. Best of luck.

o jeez im so sorry i didn’t notice i was in the transfer thread but thanks anyways!! :slight_smile: