Help me choose courses for Management Science minor

<p>I'm an engineer at UCSD planning on minoring in management science but I was wondering if you guys can give me some advice on the course selection. Well, ultimately I want to start my own engineering firm so I was hoping on choosing classes geared towards my goals. I have to take all the LD courses but any 5 UD courses from this list.</p>

1. Elements of Economics I (4)<br>
2. Elements of Economics II (4)<br>
3. Elements of Economics III (4)<br>
4. Financial Accounting (4) </p>

120AB. Econometrics A-B-C
170AB. Microeconomics A-B
1701. Decisions under Uncertainty PR: 120A
172ABC. Operations Research PR: 120A
173. Corporate Finance
174. Financial Insurance PR: 120ABC 170A
175. Financial Investments PR:120A
176. Marketing PR: 120ABC
178. Financial And Business Forecasting PR:120ABC
179. Decisions In the Public Sector PR: 170AB</p>

<p>Is this worth it? Well the business school recently started some undergraduate classes so I may take those too or instead. I'm thinking of not even pursuiting a minor if these classes aren't worth it. I mainly wanted a minor to become familiar with economics first before I understand business. But I don't know.</p>

<p>Well my goal is to start either a civil engineering, construction, or maybe an aerospace engineering firm (composites). Well I don't know yet, I think starting a small civil engineering firm has an advantage over aerospace firms.</p>

<p>Here are the course descriptions:</p>

<p>170A. Management Science Microeconomics (4) Intermediate microeconomics, including techniques of marginal analysis, demand theory and optimal pricing, estimation of demand function, forecasting, production theory, cost analysis and transfer pricing, and competitive and monopolistic market structure. </p>

<p>170B. Management Science Microeconomics B (4) Intermediate microeconomics, including oligopoly theory, game theory and competitive strategy, externalities and public goods, and information economics (adverse selection, signing, and principal-agent problems), with emphasis on the theory of the firm. </p>

<li>Decisions Under Uncertainty (4) Decision-making when the consequences are uncertain. Decision trees, payoff tables, decision criteria, expected utility theory, risk aversion, sample information. </li>

<p>172A-B-C. Introduction to Operations Research (4-4-4) Linear, nonlinear, and integer programming. Elements of game theory. Deterministic and stochastic dynamic programming. </p>

<li><p>Corporate Finance (4) Corporate financial management, cash flow analysis, capital budgeting and capital structure. Institutional issues in project analysis, performance evaluation, and financial planning. </p></li>
<li><p>Financial Insurance (4) Insurance markets, law, and terminology. Demand for insurance and for lotteries. Contingent claims theory. Reserves management and efficient risk sharing. Financial theories for regulating insurance rates. Options and insurance. Moral hazard. Adverse selection. Current controversies in insurance. </p></li>
<li><p>Financial Investments (4) Financial decision making. Such topics as valuating assets, portfolio selection, and capital budgeting.</p></li>
<li><p>Marketing (4) Role of marketing in the economy. Topics such as buyer behavior, marketing mix, promotion, product selection, pricing, and distribution. </p></li>
<li><p>Economic and Business Forecasting (4) Survey of theoretical and practical aspects of statistical and economic forecasting. Such topics as long-run and short-run horizons, leading indicator analysis, econometric models, technological and population forecasts, forecast evaluation, and the use of forecasts for public policy. </p></li>
<li><p>Decisions in the Public Sector (4) Topics such as program evaluation, budgeting, financial management, and expenditure decisions.</p></li>