Help me choose: Kalamazoo, Knox, Goucher, Wooster, Allegheny

We don’t have a ton of experience with Wooster but did visit for a 2 day Open House event in November - I’d say the location might work well for you. The city of Wooster seems to have two different parts - one is a bit more trendy with independent shops and restaurants. We ate lunch there at Spoon Market and Deli and enjoyed not only the food but also the entire vibe - it was clearly a thriving community spot with a lot to offer…it was bustling while we were in there, and there seemed to be a number of different groups holding small discussion groups or club meetings there. The other end of the town (small city?) felt more economically depressed… it has some big box stores and restaurants but also industry/manufacturing…there is a community hospital. As part of the Open House we took a guided bus tour through Wooster itself to see the places where students get involved and volunteer, where some get local internships, where some might go to shop or eat. The area itself was clearly important to the school, and they made an effort to get students out into the community which, while not a major urban area, did seem to have enough going on so that it wouldn’t feel as if you were completely out in the middle of nowhere with no opportunities to get involved.

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After some consideration, I’m thinking of choosing Kalamazoo.
My main concerns were the trimester system and how economically depressed the city is, but it’s also my most affordable option and seems like a good fit on paper. (I unfortunately can’t visit).
I don’t want to make a decision I would regret that’s why it’s so hard for me to pick a college.
What do you think ?

For a young married couple I like Kalamazoo more. Knox is nice but don’t know about the safety at night being “off” campus. Kalamazoo area is just more lively and you have Western Michigan right there also so more of a campus feel with lots of events at both schools. Plus a hospital system right there also.

Plus think you said it was cheaper. Then you can’t go wrong.

Plus the best is that you are about 2:10 minutes from both Chicago and Detroit. You could take amtrack to both also but add at least an hour and the hassle…

To me just too many advantages. Knox is fine but their downtown is lacking in comparison. Have a friends son premed there and loves it. Also states it’s pretty hard but no one college was going to be easy… Lol.

Before moving forward, have you fully considered the attributes of what seems to be your dark-horse contender, Wheaton?

Kzoo is a pretty vibrant arts community and, since many students move off campus (we were told, when we visited) into houses in the surrounding area, being a student living off campus already will not feel as unconventional a choice. My sense was that not many students move off campus at Knox and Wooster. Kzoo will also offer more job options for a spouse since it is a larger urban area and has Western Michigan, a large public university right there. I have no experience with Allegheny and Goucher, so cannot speak to those.

@Midwestmomofboys Thank you for pointing it out! I’d indeed feel better knowing I’m not the only one off-campus after freshman year.

@Knowsstuff Thank you for the insight! Indeed not expecting it to be easy :lol:
Having a car would probably be a must then! A vibrant downtown is the biggest advantage between both, but I also think Kalamazoo would be a better fit socially.

@merc81 I haven’t received my financial aid package from them yet! But strongly considering it, since it’s so close to Providence and Boston, politically active and a great fit. Do you have any info and insight ?

Kalamazoo is also only a 2 hour train ride from Chicago…

By way of comparison, Wheaton is the most similar in spirit of your current choices to the highly selective NESCACs (to which it is near). With respect to its resources, search online for images of its impressive science building (the Mars Center). Though you will be a non-traditional student in some ways, look to Wheaton for some of the traditional aspects of a college experience that you may nonetheless value.

You asked about Denison. It’s a great school, but it is a four-year residential college in a tiny town so it might not fit what you are looking for. There is a larger town (Newark/Heath) close by, and Columbus, the state capital is about a half hour away.

@Laliejour -

I have asked my daughter’s friends who still live in the Towson area for more information about their experience with apartments. While they were students, they paid about $1200 a month plus utilities for a 3 br, 1 ba apartment in a house that had been turned into two apartments. They found that apartment through .

Craigslist is likely to have apartment listings for all of the locations that you are considering.

Unlike unmarried students who are moving into a dorm with a shared room, you will need to find a furnished apartment or you will need to locate furniture for an unfurnished one. Thrift shops will probably be good sources of a lot of basic furniture and housewares, so check Google Maps to find the ones closest to where you are likely to be living. Also, keep in mind that you will need two sets of winter clothing if you don’t already have it and/or can’t ship it easily. So do a bit of research about the weather at the locations you are considering. That can affect your life too.

When you hear from Denison, you probably will want to post your result as to whether it will continue as an option.

So, did you end up at Kalamazoo? Tough first year given the circumstances, so I hope you got through it ok!

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I did end up at K! Wrapped up my freshman year early June. I absolutely loved it, I made amazing connections with the professors and students, I have managed to get amazing opportunities. So happy to have chosen K. Thank you for checking in!


Excellent! So glad you are happy with your choice. Best wishes for the rest of your K adventures! My son just graduated.


My daughter is considering both K and Wooster - leaning towards K. K has given her more $ than Wooster as well. Are you able to describe a bit more what you mean that she didn’t like the student vibe at Wooster? My friend’s son graduated from there in 2020 and he liked the classes and professors but overall didn’t enjoy it because the town is too remote and small.

This wasn’t directed at me, but my daughter is a freshman at Wooster and likes it very much there. The students are down to earth and friendly, and she likes that there is a lot of diversity there, including socioeconomically. As far as the town goes, she goes into the downtown area to do aerial yoga on saturdays, and there are some wonderful coffee shops (tulipan specifically), and a really cool grocery/store/coffee shop called Local Roots. Several cute boutiques, book shops, etc. It’s a small town, for sure, but it has a lot more going on than we expected. We’ve eaten at several really good restaurants on our visits as well. We walked around Kalamazoo in Oct '20 when no one was around because everyone was remote, so we have no feel for the campus other than what it looks like. But Kalamazoo, the city, although larger, is also comparable to Wooster in its vibe of some cool areas and some less cool areas.

I am happy to put your daughter in touch with mine so she can ask specific questions and get more direct feedback about her experiences so far at Wooster if you like.

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Feel free to direct message me and I’ll connect you (and thereby your daughter) with other members of the K community! I just saw this message!
My son visited Wooster and preferred K and graduated from K last year.