Hi, so so far I’ve narrowed down my college choices down to pretty much two choices: either UC Berkeley (admission to L&S) or UCSD (Jacobs scholarship full ride for engineering). I’m interested in pursuing a career in the sciences; however, other than knowing I would like to do something related to biology or chemistry, I have little direction as whether I would like to just do engineering undergrad, go on to PhD for just chemistry or biology, or go on to med school. As such, I’m having trouble deciding between the two.
A little bit of background to make things even more complicated, I used to live in NorCal and moved to SoCal before high school. I really love NorCal and want to go back. From what I analyze, though, UCSD would offer more options than Berkeley in terms of career because it’s so hard to switch into Berkeley engineering. My mind is leaning towards UCSD but my heart is so set on Berkeley. Ugh please help.
Additionally, does anyone know how possible it is to go from Berkeley to grad school, considering the grade deflation there?
Thanks so much
UCSD (Jacobs scholarship full ride for engineering). I
Tuition only? …Or tuition, room, & board?
What are your parents saying about paying the costs for UCB? Are they fine with that? Did you get any aid at all from UCB? Or would parents be paying $35k+ per year?
@Jazz90 I don’t know much about UC schools, but if you are thinking about engineering, go to SD. You could always switch out to bio or chem if you wanted to. You most likely woudnt be able to switch into engineering. Plus if you are thinking about grad school, it would be beneficial to go the cheapest college for undergrad (to afford grad/med school).
Have you visited UCSD? (I am assuming that when you say SoCal you mean the LA area, not SD.) I always vote in favor of better financial aid, anyway, but UCSD is gorgeous and for your goals it sounds like a better fit. What do you miss about the Bay Area? If you do science/engineering you’ll likely be headed back there after college, anyway. Take the money. 
I think I would take the better money and plan on going to NoCal for graduate school. Good luck!
The UCSD engineering scholarship covers all costs so basically room, tuition, and board, but it confines you to the engineering major, so you can’t major in biology or chemistry only. My parents are financially able and willing to help me pay full cost to go to a UC school, as they had originally planned for this.
I actually live in SD right now so by SoCal I meant the San Diego area. I grew up in the Bay Area and moving was a little of a tragedy for me. I like the cloudy, cool weather, the old fashioned historical vibe there yet exciting vibrant cities too like San Francisco. Going back to the Bay Area has always been a major goal for me.
Anyways, it seems that the San Diego option is more practical. I personally just feel like I would be happier at Berkeley because NorCal!!! and so am considering the outcomes of both schools. Is it difficult to get into grad school from Berkeley undergrad?
My only concern about SD is that if you want to go to med school, then being an eng’g major can make that difficult.
like I would be happier at Berkeley because NorCal!!! and so am considering the outcomes of both schools. Is it difficult to get into grad school from Berkeley undergrad?
Difficult? What do you mean? Harder to get top grades?
I agree that engineering would be a tough major to be pre med in, but it’s possible? Right, I guess since the average gpa is lower, do Berkeley students have a relatively harder time getting into grad school?
Are there any other opinions? Does anyone suggest Berkeley?