Help me come up with an idea for this stupid essay thing.

<p>Okay, so I'm basically hating life right now. I'm behind on work for my English research paper, need to read a bunch for APUSH, and still have to finish my EPGY Number Theory final.</p>

<p>Then my principal calls me to her office this morning and says that she nominated me for some scholarship from the local newspaper. I have to write an essay on "an issue of personal, local, national or international concern and its importance to [me]." Yeah. I wrote this exact essay for QuestBridge, except I can't access it anymore it wasn't very good anyway. (It was about the future of the internet.)</p>

<p>I told her I didn't have time and told her the names of some other students who might be able to do it and that she should nominate one of them. She said "No, I want you to do it. Besides, I already wrote you a recommendation" (wt eff) or something to that effect. Then she did the whole guilt trip thing about how the school always had someone place near the top blah blah blah. So I'm stuck doing it for tomorrow.</p>

<p>GAH. I just felt like ranting. Any suggestions? As I wrote the above, I got the idea of writing about the flaws of the college application process and how stressed it makes seniors (my subtle ****-you). Anyone want to link me some good articles about that?</p>

<p>Article: [The</a> Burden of the College Admissions Process - Well Blog -](<a href=“]The”>The Burden of the College Admissions Process - The New York Times)</p>