help me decide pre-med

I’m having trouble on deciding on where to go

binghamton - got into FRI program
penn state
stony brook - 3,000 scholarship
quinnipiac (ba/ms) - 28,000 scholarship
seton hall - 26,000 scholarship, got into bs/md
umass amherst - 14,000 scholarship
university of miami - 20,000 scholarship
cuny macalauy - free tuition
muhlenerg - 28k scholarship

my top choices are lehigh (super expensive), bing (state tuition) or macalauy (free)

give your opinions

why did you decide against Muhlengerg?

i also like university of miami

Miami has a medical school so that could be a viable choice.

For premed the factors that need to be accounted for are the ability to get a high BCPM GPA at a reasonable cost.

The important numbers are not the scholarship amounts, but the net prices after subtracting scholarships and grants from the list prices, and what you can afford without loans.

i don’t know much about it, if you have any input or knowledge on it please tell me

Did you research it before you applied? What did you like about it? A few of my MD friends (one was my roommate in grad school) went there for undergrad and loved it.