<p>hey I really don't know how this section of the forum goes but here i go. I am a muslim from afghanistan. Very interrested in engineering (aerospace) and computer science. I have a 3.9 UW GPA. and some sick ec's. I am looking for colleges located in the US- Northeastern side. I am looking for hard to get into, challanging colleges. I really don't know what else to say. I am also interrested in physics, science, and math. Let me know. So far my top choice is harvard but I really want to expand my horizons and consider other choices. Even though I am in love with it.</p>
<p>MIT, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University (Great CS program) all have reputable engineering programs.</p>
<p>Georgia Tech is known for its aerospace engineering program. Also, consider Embry Riddle (there is one in AZ and one in FL).</p>
<p>Swarthmore - extremely challenging college - rumored to have "grade deflation", insanely ambitious students often prod their professors for MORE work although they're already overburdened, churns out maybe the highest percentage of grads who go on to become PhD's
- very big on the sciences and engineering, more so than most other LAC's</p>