<p>sat IIs
math IIC- 800
writing- 690
chem- 730</p>
<p>GPA- here's where it's VERY iffy
3.4, because of junior yr, where i got a 2.8 for 1st semester when my dad nearly went bankrupt- 4.0 this semester, and yes, i am writing my UC essay on that.</p>
junior and senior yr english
US history
computer science
<p>ECs and stuff-
boy scout, life (working on eagle)
Academic decathalon
volunteer work at library and cedars sinai, with a cert. of appreciation from the city.
merit scholarship commended, not that it means anything
art work for literary magazine.
TKD black belt, not that it means anything, either.</p>
<p>I'll have decent essays and excellent recs, but can someone tell me what kind of schools i could get into?</p>
<p>oh, and here's where i'm applying so far, in order from stretch to safety</p>
<p>UCLA and berkley (b/c i'm asian, i'm screwed)
Wash. Uni, st. louis
U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Harvey Mudd
Carniegie Mellon
UC Riverside and Irvine (lol, UCI- iniversity of chinese immigrants)</p>
<p>not excatly the best in terms of safety, but you don't go anywhere without reaching out.</p>
<p>"merit scholarship commended, not that it means anything,TKD black belt, not that it means anything, either." Don't put yourself down or denigrate your accomplishments in your essays. </p>
<p>Don't overly dwell in your essays on your bad grade semester or your dad's financial problems. Do you want that to define you? Just use is as one of the short essays. For the main essays, tell about your accomplishments.</p>
<p>"UCLA and berkley (b/c i'm asian, i'm screwed)" Get over your attitude. UC does not take race into consideration.</p>
<p>thanks for the replies, and bettina, don't worry</p>
<p>a) the attitude is a bit of a joke and I'm not stupid enough to detract from my app, but UC is "race is taken into consideration, but there are no quotas"
b) I WOULD have made the financial thing a short essay, but it was just too complicated for 200 words :p</p>