<p>Alright, now that you are here might as well post. I am only a Soph. so I dont know all the details, but I do know that I have to sart exploring my options, and I need a place to start so here it goes:</p>
<p>4.1 GPA ( From a good HS ) Don't know what weighted GPA is</p>
<p>Take honors everything except chem, and french. I MISSED AN A- IN US HISTORY BY A HAIR!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Soccer team
French Club
Fishing Club
Haven't done Any Community service( I'll start soon... )</p>
<p>I was wondering at what schools I should look at. I live in Illinois, don't care where in the country. Not good enough for IVY, but what are some other things, also what should I do to get accepted in more places.</p>
<p>You hold knowledge...share it with me...anything...Thanks a lot...and</p>
<p>GO WHITE SOX!</p>