Help me please!

<p>Hi I need help knowing what I need to do to increase my chances of getting into UM. I have an interesting story in the sense that I am online schooled/home schooled and travel in an RV nation wide with my family. Due to this I have not been able to stay in sports or any form of volunteering because they wanted commitment and I was moving to much! I did participate in Ballet and Flamenco for 6 months but then moved that is the longest I have stayed in one place and I should have been doing volunteering but was going through a family crisis(aunt had cancer and grandmother was not doing well so I really was not thinking like I should have stupid excuse I know). I know it looks weird that I am staring 11th in November but my school year usually runs from Dec- Aug due to my traveling schedule. I am retaking 3 APS next year for personal reasons but I know I will be getting 5s on them I just had something come up that did not allow me to take one and messed me up on the other two. What do you think I can do to boost my chances? My mother attended UM's nursing program.</p>

<p>Race: Hispanic
GPA: 3.75
SAT ( Taking in Dec) guessing 2000-2100 with a little studying :)</p>

AP World B
Biology A
Geometry B
Spanish A
English A
Digital Media A</p>

AP Euro A- retaking
AP Lang A -4
AP Chem A-retaking
AP Enviro A- retaking
Spanish 3 B? A?
Algebra 2 A</p>

<p>11th predicated (start Nov)
AP Lit
AP Comp Science
Marine Biology
Spanish 4
Physics Honors or AP Physics not sure</p>

<p>anyone? Please</p>

<p>Take a Precalculus or another math with Algebra 2 as a prerequisite. Earning an A in Algebra 2 should qualify you for Precalc or its equivalent. Higher level math courses are strongly correlated with better college preparation.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to chance you…I’ve never heard of a situation like yours when applying to schools. </p>

<p>You don’t have any EC’s or volunteer work, but you CAN’T have any EC’s or volunteer work due to your unique situation. You don’t have a weighted GPA because your school doesn’t weight GPA, because you don’t have a school. </p>

<p>I have zero clue.</p>

<p>Sorry forgot to mention I am taking Pre Calc and will be taking Calc and AP Stats in 12th. As for the whole unique situation thing I totally get it. I have no idea my plan is to try and get some EC’s in 12 th grade year.</p>

<p>I think you need to make a connection with someone in UM admissions who will help you here. If your travels ever take you to Florida, you really should try for a campus visit and make sure you set up a meeting with someone in the admissions office. It would be easier to do if you avoided their big season (like now, thru next April I guess), but if you’re there, by all means stop in and talk to folks.</p>

<p>Having the legacy thru your Mom is good. Do you have a major in mind - I see you’re taking Marine Bio this coming year, are you intested in marine sciences? Do you have other schools in mind? Or, is UM a “dream school” for you? If you can manage to take the ACT, do it! Some folks do better on the SAT, some on the ACT, some on both (and probably some on neither). You only have to submit the best scores, regardless of which exam they are on.</p>

<p>Keep us posted!
Good luck in your journey!</p>

<p>I might get a chance to stop in Florida after April so I will definitely go by the admissions office! As for the ACT I plan to take both and submit both scores :). I adore Marine Biology but don’t want to label myself to early so will most likely be a Bio major and see what interest I develop. I know people change a lot in college so I want to keep my options open.</p>


<p>Make contact with Mr. James Sullivan, Senior Associate Director of Admissions and Legacy Admissions Coordinator. <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>We recently met him and when he found out my D is a legacy (I’m a proud Cane) he immediately gave me his card and was extremely kind. He suggested we contact him in 11th grade. He will likely be able to assess your situation and give you some good advice. Like I said, he is very nice so it couldn’t hurt to make contact.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank You so much! I will most definitely type up an email.</p>