help me understand credit evaluation??

<p>I got my acceptance today with a credit evaluation and it says that I have 33 transferable courses, and I have 17 in progress. However, it says that the credits I am currently taking will not transfer. I'm taking German, PreCal, English 2, and Chem 1. It says 0 credits possible upon approval.</p>

<p>Does that mean all the credits I am currently taking will not transfer? If so, that doesn't make sense to me. Can someone explain this thing!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re a transfer student.</p>

<p>There could be several reason why you got that notice–</p>

<p>The most likely is that the registrar will not approve credits until a final transcript with grades has been received. Or it could be those credits will not apply toward the particular degree program you’re going to pursue at UR.</p>

<p>But the best way to get an answer is to call the Registrar’s Office and ask them.</p>

