Help me with my UC GPA! This one is challenging

<p>Hey there… this one might be tricky so I would love it if anyone could help me through this.</p>

<p>**10th Grade<a href=“spent%20in%20California,%20public%20high%20school”>/B</a></p>

<p>C / C - AAT (Advanced Algebra Trig / Algebra II type class)
C / B - AP European History
B / B - English Language Arts 10 Honors
B / A - French 5/6 Honors
A / A - Service Learning</p>

<p>**Summer after 10th Grade<a href=“still%20in%20California%20public%20high%20school,%20class%20is%20approved”>/B</a>
A / A - Chemistry</p>

<p>**11th Grade<a href=“spent%20in%20Utah,%20public%20high%20school”>/B</a>
We used the quarter system over here! Every grade represents one quarter.</p>

<p>A — Astronomy
A — Driver’s Ed
A — Team Sports / P.E
A / A — Financial Literacy, (community-college concurrent)
A / A — Film Studies
A / A — Debate I
A / A / A — AP Psychology
A / A- / A / A — AP US History
A / A / A / A — AP French
A / A / A / A — Pre-Calculus
A / A / A / A — English Language Arts 11 Honors</p>

<p>Summer after 11th Grade
I’m planning to take another regular approved course (Health and Art, 1 semester each) at the same public high school in California, and plan to get A / A as well so if that could be factored in…</p>

<p>I’m guessing that even though 11th grade was spent in Utah, the AP classes can still be weighted to improve my GPA right?
Oh and I’m moving back to California for my senior year, if that was causing any confusion as to my intentions over a UC GPA haha</p>

<p>yes, AP courses do count. Service Learning is probably out. PE & Driver's Ed are definitely out, and likely financial literacy. Film studies, dunno. Astronomy could count as a science. Health is out. Convert your Utah classes to semester equivalents. French 5/6 is likley honors-approved. You will need a full one-year VAPA course to apply to UC or Cal State.</p>

<p>Your 11th grade APs were out of state as were any honors courses. You ask a good question about your UC GPA. Wonder how they will account for you. Are you a CA. resident? And wonder how they will factor in the great difference in grades between 10th in CA public school and 11th in Utah?</p>

<p>If I were an adcom (and don't worry I am not), I would subject you to "augmented review" and check out your first semester senior grades to see if Utah is an outlier.</p>

<p>Did it kinda fast but you came out to about a 3.9 UC Weighted GPA.</p>

<p>Some of those classes like the PE athletics wont count in your GPA. Only counted 8 semesters for the weighted score for UC rules. Anyone correct me if I calculated wrong.</p>

<p>Soph year (incl Chem) is the easy part: 30 grade points + 2 bonus points = 32/10 = 3.2 w.</p>

<p>Jr year (excl. PE, Driver's Ed & Financial literacy): 48 grade points + 5 max bonus points (only AP bonus points for OOS) = 55/12 = 4.58.</p>

<p>Total: 32+55= 88/22 = 3.95 w</p>

<p>Oh lol I excluded the Debate class too which made it 3.92</p>

<p>hey thanks for all the help everyone</p>

<p>bluebayou: just wondering why you did not include service learning nor financial literacy, but you included debate, film, etc? and also... since i will only get 5 bonus points in 11th grade, could another point be added to 10th grade under one of the honors courses? that way i'd have 8 bonus points. btw i think you made a mistake when you say 48+5=55? haha</p>


<p>10th grade Eng is never UC-approved for honors. Yes, its possible that French 5/6 could be approved, but Iwas unsure . You can look up your HS on doorways.</p>

<p>I excluded the Service Learning class bcos I assumed that UC would not approve it for a-g, but I could be wrong. Check doorways.</p>

<p>Financial Literacy did not sound like an academic-type class from its name -- it sounded more like personal finance, i.e., how to balance yoru check book, buy a house and borrow money. But, I could be wrong there, too. Is it transferable to the University of Utah?</p>

<p><a href=";jsessionid=5B94CB8F409872AE67BEE73A0AE9BD86?_flowExecutionKey=_c919C4A97-33A8-1115-E3F2-885F6C431EAD_k7D4C09F3-19A0-BC30-1416-FD3014DF0C18%5B/url%5D"&gt;;jsessionid=5B94CB8F409872AE67BEE73A0AE9BD86?_flowExecutionKey=_c919C4A97-33A8-1115-E3F2-885F6C431EAD_k7D4C09F3-19A0-BC30-1416-FD3014DF0C18&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>blue it seems you're right about all of that. could I maybe use my 11th grade honors english for an extra point?</p>

<p>the financial literacy is as you described, and it's supposed to be transferable to the University of Utah, i think. can i factor it in?</p>

<p>thanks again!</p>

<p>no, only AP/IB courses count for bonus point for OOS coursework in HS. Even tho Utah accepts the financial class for transfer, UC may not. If its transferable, then yes, available for bonus point.</p>

<p>You are an interesting case. What caused your performance to go from a B to an A other than your move to a Utah school?</p>

<p>pinkfeather: i had always just assumed that the grades i got would easily land me into UCLA or something. when i looked at the facts, the average GPA stats etc, it blew me into reality. starting the summer after 10th grade I worked oppositely of how i used to: grades would now come first and then squeeze in fun wherever possible, instead of the inverse. it was realllly tough, my school in utah is just as hard, but i had my goals and they became more important to me</p>

<p>part of it, also, was the thought that at the point of moving to utah, only good grades and an OOS college would get me out. it was a way to escape haha</p>

<p>i just hope that i still have a chance!! cuz im doing everything i can at this point</p>

<p>That is a great attitude. You've pulled off a terrific turnaround. Keep it up. Good luck!</p>