Help narrowing down East Coast list - focus on campus culture

Confirm what @twintwin88 stated (above)…one of the most beautiful campus settings (been in 2 of my favorite movies) and unique internship opportunities around Albany…also, Emma has a unique wellness program and residential life program focused on health/wellness/balance that is offered to students. It’s a program/residential life experience that you sign up for. A friend has taught one of the courses for the girls…when you visit the school ask about it :bz

“We want kids to learn a lot. We also want them to enjoy life.”
John Quirk, Head Of School, Tabor Academy

Tabor is on Sippican Bay in Marion, MA, about 50 miles from Boston or Providence, RI. They just started an on-campus shared bicycle program, “Because it makes us happy.” They also adjusted their school schedule so first class isn’t until 8:30 and have four 75 minute class blocks per day. This has proven popular with both students and faculty. 70% boarding, typical of most ISL schools.

My daughter is there, and is extremely happy. My son will be joining her next year.