<p>Hi everyone I didn't know what thread to put this under so I decided to start my own. For my psych class we have a final group project where we have to choose a concept from a unit in the book and create a research project that will show the results of our effort in the form of an article etc...</p>
<p>My teacher gave us examples such as Social Psych: affiliation, proximity, similarity, conformity, bystander effect. Development: cognitive stages, theory of mind, self concept. Sensation and Perception: thresholds, Weber's law, depth perception/visual cliff.</p>
<p>Basically we have total freedom in choosing a topic from all branches of psych/ chapters but we just have to create a hypothesis, abstract, operational definition, and a video component. </p>
<p>If any of you have some ideas I would love love love you! I've been considering the impact of attractiveness on decisions, power of brand conformity when buying jeans, etc.</p>
<p>Thanks for any help! and good luck on the exam in March :(</p>