<p>I got sick this week, not been able to get to classes at all. I had my advisor submit documentation to my professors... problem is, I missed a LOT of class this week, and two of my classes REQUIRE you to attend as part of the grade. I'm worried that my professors might not let me make up the work... up until this point in the semester, I had all A's in all my classes and I'm worried that my being sick might have compromised this... does anyone have any prior experience with this? I'm super worried about this and it's probably exacerbating my illness... PLEASE HELP.</p>
<p>Oh I skipped plenty of school days…cuz of illness week before my SAT and app is due. I mean there’s really nothing you can do about that. If your professor is nice, then he/she will let you make up the work, i mean…who can’t avoid sickness. If not, then just let it be. Worrying about this does not help. Plus, if you have applied Penn ED, then you might get in and not worry about your mid-year grades THAT much.</p>
<p>i might have interpreted this wrong, but I thought iheartpenn is currently a penn student</p>
<p>Oh, I kind of thought of that too…but I didn’t get why OP would ask a bunch of students who are not in college yet lol. Maybe there are some who are already at penn…but still</p>
<p>Professors and teachers are usually extremely understanding about being sick… iheartpenn… you should go talk to your professors before you freak out about what will happen to your grades because they won’t let you make up work.</p>
<p>Stop worrying, as it won’t get you anywhere. Speak to the professors. That’s always my rule of thumb - if anything ever happens anywhere in any context at Penn, speak to the professor first. They’ll usually understand, and at the least they’ll give you an update on their position. Generally speaking, if you’ve been sick, most professors understand. (Funerals - not so much.) Remind them that you didn’t want to get anyone in the class (including the prof) sick, and have your adviser advocate for you. Finally, remember that you’ve still got finals coming up soon and if you prepare well for a final it can compensate for a missed class (both in terms of knowing the material and demonstrating to the professor that you didn’t just blow off class). Try to attend office hours or speak to the professor after class in the next 2 weeks to compensate - show that you’re willing to make up some lost time.</p>
<p>Also know that this is part of your experience. You won’t get straight A’s at Penn, and this kind of thing happens. Everyone I know has had bad semesters for one reason or another (sickness, family issues, personal problems, financial issues, pledging, relationships, jobs, academic issues, you name it). It’s part of the process of going through college, and you’ll learn from it.</p>
<p>noobs, (everyone else),</p>
<p>There are lots of us (People currently at Penn, or alumni) on this forum. In fact, we tend to actually stick around, provide real answers to good questions, and try to help out when we can. Don’t be such noobs.</p>
<p>It’s spelled n00b.</p>
<p>Pot calling the kettle black, eh?</p>