Help organizing my essay

<p>I've been working on a college essay and although I like my topic, I'm having a little difficulty finishing it up and deciding what exactly I should and shouldn't include. Anyone willing to help me out?</p>

<p>Anyone? I’d appreciate any kind of second opinion</p>

<p>yes, i’d like to read it.</p>

<p>Organization, to SHOW and not TELL what you want to say: </p>

<p>The best example of showing is a movie, so your essay can take the structure of a movie script (assuming you know what you want to write about). The key to the entire success of an essay is your own powerful memory - an event that really is a huge part of your topic. Once you have that, describe it (almost visually) in a paragraph. That paragraph becomes the first paragraph in your essay, without introductory explanation.</p>

<p>Another key to a successful essay is to SHOW your transition from one person to a better one - character development or a story arc. Think about how you were changed. Think of an event/incident that can SHOW you as a changed person and write a paragraph about that! This will become the LAST paragraph of your essay (actually penultimate paragraph, but I’ll talk about that in a minute).</p>

<p>So now you have your first paragraph and (almost) last paragraph. The “in-between” will SHOW events that document the transition. And since you have a starting point and an ending point, it will really help you write with focus. You only need what carries from from one point to the other.</p>

<p>The following essay is not a real one, but concocted to show the organization I’m suggesting. The first paragraph is a “cold open,” dropping the reader directly into the action. The next-to-last paragraph shows the changed you, the more empathetic you, the “better” you. And the in-between paragraphs are scenes written to SHOW your change - the “story arc” of this little movie/essay of you.</p>

<p>Finally, the “stinger,” the very last paragraph, is broken out from the previous one, to send the reader off with a smile, ensuring that the reader will remember this essay.</p>



<p>i’ll take a look</p>