Help planning a college visit to A&M?? Any tips or places to go?

I’m making the reservation to visit campus and a few things have my interest. Firstly, do you suggest visiting or planning more than one consultation with different programs? For example, I know I want to do PetE but I’d also like to know more about the Geoscience and ChemE programs. Would it be too much to ask for consultation from all three in one visit? Also, anybody have a preference between the Residence Hall and Campus tour? For now Id say campus tour just for the general view of A&M. Any other help so I can have as informative a visit as possible? Thanks a ton!

I don’t think that’s too much to ask. It might be tough to find a day you can meet with all 3 but I would do it if you can. It shouldn’t take more than an hour with each I would assume. I would just go with the general campus tour and then just walk around and visit whatever else seems to catch your eye. Hope this helps and have fun!

I’ll make the assumption that you’ve already applied, so skip the admissions meeting - it’s all about the application. The Campus tour really gives you a feel for the entire campus, and given A&M is all about traditions it is very informative. The campus is very large, so it is nice to have a tour guide & usually covers a little bit of everything. We liked the movie they show while you wait for your tour.

The residence hall tours helps to visualize what is online about the dorms, you can skip it and do it during NSC for your specific dorm.

We did meetings for two departments for our oldest, one for our youngest ( separate visits) but set them up during the visit. I would think getting to three meetings would be pretty tough. If it isn’t something that would sway your decision, I would focus on what you really need to know to make your choice. There isn’t a general informational session, so you’ll have to have specific/personal questions you’d like answered. You will get more info. during NSC and can always get information later (we did this for our youngest’s minor). We had very limited time at my oldest’s appointments, my youngest had a much longer visit that even included an impromptu tour of the college.

Depending on your interests, check out some of the other facilities - go to the MSC, the rec center, Kyle Field, the Corps (just walking by is sort of interesting), walk thru your ‘area’ of the campus - sounds like engineering or science(?)- if you don’t during the tour (it will depend on your tour guide as to where you go).

On campus you can pay with cash/credit cards at most eating places (you don’t have to have a meal card). Off campus there are tons of restaurants - both local & chains. “Northgate” is the area on University Ave. across from Engineering all the way to Hullabaloo Residence Hall. There are both bars & restaurants there, but many more places to eat as well throughout town. You could have an entire posting on people’s favorites! My advice would be pick something close to campus & talk to your wait staff, chances are they’re students.

Drive around the surrounding area - we did this at every college we toured and went back at night to get a feel for the area. Is this a place you could see yourself living? Majority of students here live within a 2-3 mile radius of the campus edges. There are plenty of apt buildings & houses for rent within these areas.

Check out the website to see what activities are going on during your visit. You can often get tickets.

A word to the wise, park only in designated areas & do pay the parking meters/kiosks. Also wear comfortable shoes - the campus is very large & you do walk quite a bit. You can only get to limited areas by car, so you will be walking. If you get lost (and you probably will) just ask a passing student for help :slight_smile: Enjoy your visit!

A few additional ideas if you have time:

  • check out the Rec center and fields - very impressive and so many options for students to stay active
  • Bush Library - we thought we’d stop in for a few minutes - we enjoyed it so much (including my student) we stayed for 2+ hours!
  • Local eating establishments - Fuego, Canes or Laynes
  • We found the residence hall tour to be very helpful in understanding options