
<p>I'm from California and was looking into visiting the campus for a tour. I was planning on going during my spring break (March 25-29), but they are booked pretty far out. Normally I would just take a day or two off of school and visit later, but I am in track right now and if I miss more than a day I lose CIF competition eligibility for two weeks. I don't really want to. Is there anything I could do just to see the campus? Is it worth it to take a self guided tour? Do departments give last minute tours (Animal Science)?</p>

<p>If it helps any, I am already admitted. One of the stipulations of being able to attend that my parents gave me is that I have to visit, but they don't think it's worth it to tour it without a guide. A frustrating conundrum.</p>

<p>If you could sign up for the guided tour, that would be great, it gives a lot of info. Don’t worry about a department visit, we could not get a spot either. Skip the new student thing, it is geared towards people that have not applied yet. The housing tour was just ok. I am sure you could at least join the guided tour, that is where most of your info comes from anyways.</p>

<p>That’s my problem, though. :x All the guided tours are booked out until April and I only really have spring break to visit (which is in March).</p>

<p>Maybe I should just visit and “accidentally” go to all the same places the guided tour does at the same time. Haha.</p>

<p>Maybe contact Animal Science Dept directly and tell them you’ll be in town on those dates, and ask if it’s possible to visit with a dept. representative on one of those dates?</p>

<p>I fully agree to contact the AnSci department directly or the College of Ag. They might be able to find a student that can show you around and maybe give you a quick peek at a dorm room as part of the deal. If you are interested in seeing rec facilities they are about a 5 minute walk from AnSci building on West Campus. The Meat Science facility is also next door from some Aggie Jerky! If there is any way you can figure out how to do most of your travel over a weekend and minimize your school absence they might be able to work with you. Having a little time to drive around town and get a feel for it might be important as well. Easterwood airport is practically on campus, but you are about a 2+ hour drive from Austin or 2+ hours from George Bush in North Houston.</p>

<p>Try and sign up for the dorm tour, you will at least get a feel for part of the campus. And do a department tour as others have suggested. They can also give you a map to do a self guided tour…</p>

<p>K. I sent an email to the Animal Science dept explaining the situation. Hopefully they can spare a student. If not I’ll probably just sign up for a Residence Hall tour and go from there.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice! :)</p>