Help please! I have only 22 days to study for SAT Chem!

<p>I got dismal SAT Subject Test scores.
I took Math Level II and got 710. I am not really disappointed with this score because I skipped Pre-Cal and directly took Calculus.
But Chemistry I got 640. I hadn't taken AP Chem when I took the test. I took AP Chem this year and now that I am done with one semester of AP Chem, how much do you think my scores can rise?? I know that it really depends on school and the rigor of the class, but on average. This semester, we did Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Electrochemistry(don't remember anything), Stoichiometry. That's pretty much it.
Which book do you guys recommend considering that I have only 21 days to study for the exam?</p>

<p>Oh my, I am so screwed!!</p>

<p>use princeton review, but dont use their tests. they are too easy. id reccomend sparksnotes or barrons for practice tests</p>

<p>Use one of the test books like Kaplan or PR and take a diagnostic test to see where ur weaknesses are, then study ur weaknesses, then take another practice full length test and diagnose any remaining weaknesses. That's my strategy.</p>

<p>Within about three weeks of my Dec. test, I bought the Barron's study guide and reviewed it hardcore. If you have time to do this, I strongly urge you to. I first took chem when I finished my chemistry class and I used PR to review. I didn't do so well. Almost a year later, when I haven't touched chemistry since January, I studied using Barron's and got a hundred points higher. Barron's has a lot of extra info, but that extra info is very important because there are small details that come up on the test. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ok, looks like I am going to use Barrons.
Thanks guys for the input.</p>