<p>I am a BNKS graduate who has just finished 2 semesters from Pulchowk(Civil). I dont like the college so I am planning on applying to US colleges. I will surely leave Pulchowk if I get accepted with good scholarships into good colleges, but I am really in a dilemma about what to do if I get into just safety colleges like Howard university. So, can anyone help me with my decision about what to de and give me ideas about future opportunities I will get from Pulchowk or saftey colleges and which will be better. And will it be worth losing 2 years? Thanks in advance</p>
<p>It’s all up to you. If you are really unsatisfied with the education system here (like me) then the US. If you are really motivated and think you can do your best in the US then you can first apply to safety colleges then later on try to transfer to a good college with aids. This transfer idea isn’t as easy as it sounds, you will really really need to work hard and excel there. One of my friends is trying that. But apply while studying for your courses so that even if you are not successful then you can complete bachelors here then try for masters in the US.
But don’t equivocate, be sure what you want. I think that if you cannot find any interest at all to study here then it will be worth it to be in an environment where you can utilize your potential to the best even if it means losing 2 years! But that’s just my perspective on the matter. Best of luck with whatever you do! :)</p>