Help! Question about sending teacher recs

<p>I want to either fax in our email a letter of recommendation from a teacher and I wanted to know if I could send it myself (the teacher gave me several signed copies of the letter) or would I need my teacher to send it in for purposes of validity? I tried calling undergrad admissions but they are closed all weekend and I want to get this in asap.</p>


<p>Well, technically, they won’t know who physically put the letter in the mailbox. I’d say just go for it.</p>

<p>A true recommendation is in a sealed envelope with the outside of the envelope signed. It is always signed over the flap thing. Otherwise, you can opt to be able to read the recommendation, which you have done.</p>

<p>I waived my ability to see the recs, but my teacher asked me to read over it anyway, then chose to give several copies. But if I want it sent by fax or email - not mail - because of time constraints, could I fax it from my house or do I need my teacher to fax it himself.</p>