Help raising ACT score two points by February?

<p>I got a 30 on the December ACT (first time taking it and no prep). I really want to get a 32 to help with scholarships. My scores were: English: 34, Math: 26, Reading: 32, Science: 28</p>

<p>In Math, my subscores were 13, 14, and 13, so I need to improve all the parts pretty much equally. I don't have any money, and my parents wouldn't pay for any prep books, so I need help to know how to improve. Are there any free practice tests available online (legal ones)? And what should I do to improve my scores? It looks like I just have to work on Math and Science.</p>

<p>:( buuuuuump</p>

<p>Guidance office => Snap up all the free preparation guides you can on the ACT. Take PLAN [equivalent to the PSAT from my understanding]. Learn the test. Live the test. Be really really dedicated. If you could score a 30 composite cold, then you can definitely raise up to a 34-35 with serious prep.
Best of luck. x</p>

<p>check the public library for those ACT books so you don’t have to pay for them. if they dont have any, talk to college kids and ask if they have any old books laying around that they dont need anymore.</p>