HELP! Should I send...?

<p>Because Northwestern doesn't require subject tests (even though it's recommended), I was wondering what I should do. These are my scores:</p>

<p>SAT I: 2120
CR: 680
Math: 680
Writing: 760</p>

Bio M: 770
Math IIC: 700
Chem: 700</p>

<p>ACT: 33 (December..just got scores today)
English: 36
Reading: 33
Math: 33
Science: 30</p>

<p>My ACT score looks better overall..but I dunno..what do you guys think?
Should I send my SAT Subjects Tests and SAT I?</p>

<p>I would if I were you…those are some good scores. Why not?</p>

<p>I’d send both… They’ll consider your ACT more than SAT 1 and then they’ll have your subject tests.</p>

<p>I agree with bank.</p>

<p>yeah, i have a problem similar to pineappleexpress. my scores are…</p>

<p>ACT: 35
Math: 36
Reading: 36
English: 35
Science: 31 </p>

<p>SAT I: 2110
CR: 660
Math: 780
Writing: 670</p>

Math II: 800
Chinese: 800
Chemistry: 730</p>

<p>i already sent in my ACT scores. but since northwestern ‘recommends’ three subject tests, should i send in my sat+subject test scores as well? i self-reported it on the common app, but…idk. </p>

<p>thanks! :]</p>

<p>I think you have to send in your SAT scores in order for them to consider your SAT Subjects. Remember they only consider official test scores, not self-reported ones.</p>

<p>livelaughlove you should be fine. That’s 3 solid sat ii’s. Unlike me… I got lit 790 math ii 770 and then I pooped on my physics one… 640. I guess you win some you lose some.</p>

<p>Both of you (pineappleexpress and should just send in all your scores. You’ll be fine.
And l.l.l., those are great scores. I don’t know if NU will be impressed, but I sure am.
Good luck to you both!</p>

<p>I’ll just reiterate what i posted on another thread:</p>

<p>Your SAT II’s will most likely not be the reason you’re rejected, if it happens. Alot of people are admitted without -any- SAT IIs.</p>