<p>WELL…as most of you do…i love Penn…georgetown SFS, northwestern, and cornell…and USC… i just need ur help in choosing. I’m getting absolutely NO financial aid at any of these places…except for a 32k$ scholarship at USC per year. Honestly, I know USC is not a bad school (University of Southern California for some of you east coasters lol) but i don’t know if i want to give that up for an ivy or like the other schools. Money is not a HUGE HUGE HUGE issue…but I don’t really feel like leaving college with a 200k$ debt…if you were me…what would u choose? :)</p>
<p>200k in debt is a lot of debt. And USC is a great school. If I were in your shoes, I am fairly confident choose USC. Great location, great academics, great social scene, great athletic program (that football team is wicked good), etc. </p>
<p>I was actually in a simular situation earlier when USC was basically free for me but UCLA / Michigan were expensive... luckily Penn and Hopkins gave me like 45 grand a year. I know Michigan/UCLA isn't a fair comparison 'cause Penn is considerably higher up on the ladder, but I'll take USC over Cal because of money too... and I'm sure I'd take USC over Penn if Penn costed me 50 grand a year.</p>
<p>I'd save my money for grad school ;o</p>