<p>I need advice.
I'm in my final semesters and I have to pull the trigger immediately on a concentration:
Major: Digital Media
Concentration (includes minor):
Either Marketing and Entrepreneurship -OR- Web Design / Video </p>
<p>Classes taken that may help MBA: Calculus I, Calculus II, Economics, Accounting, Marketing
??? Do I need to take more ???
Or rather, what would Stanford/berkeley/mit/ or other technology related business schools want?</p>
<p>Option 1: Web Design / Video Production
-I would have to forgo any further business classes in order to concentrate on php, sql, java, html, xhtml, css, photoshop, dreamweaver, premier pro, final cut pro, digital compositing, and animation.
-This is fun and seems practical in the short run, before grad school, as I can continue freelance work or secure a 9 to 5 web design job locally at ~40k and up.
-The degree is very focused.
-I feel most of what is taught could be learned from books-a-million.</p>
<p>Option 2: Marketing and Entrepreneurship
-I would still be taking a few more media courses but concentrate on more economics, more accounting, management, venture feasibility analysis, info systems, and several more of both marketing and entrepreneurship classes.
-I enjoy the complexity of the material. It's more thought provoking.
-My degree would be more scattered with 50/50 design/business (less marketable?)
-The classes apply to higher level corporate structure instead of creating immediate value. (less immediately practical than design?)</p>
<p>No need to take more courses. What you need to determine is what you want to do upon graduation and how your degree will help you accomplish that. Then, when you are ready to apply to business school you will need to sell why you want an MBA and how you will leverage it to further your career (best if at that time you have a “clear vision” which is preferably related to your work experience at that point).</p>
<p>Non-traditional experience is viewed very positively if it is entrepreneurial in nature. I would side with the 1st option(especially if you were willing to start your own business) but it’s really your call (ie what you enjoy more) and I’m not clear what kind of job you would go into with the 2nd option.</p>
<p>It’s not clear to me where option 2 would put me either.
I love consulting people on business, finance, and technology, but I have no idea how to take that to a professional level. I would also much prefer to keep my life more risky, entrepreneurial, and independent than settle into a structured job. Yet at the same time I would love to be at the forefront of new technology companies and ventures. I like to pull peoples ideas together and help set them in motion. The only way I know to learn more about this is grad school, but I’m lost for what to do in the space between.</p>
<p>It seems like taking a more business-focused curriculum would help me, but I’m not sure how to apply it. Whereas the direct application of Web Design to establishing clients and embodying their ideas seems pretty straight forward to me.</p>
<p>I think being a Producer would be up my alley too, as it calls upon similar talents just different application.</p>