<p>My daughter is a junior at a relatively large, upper class suburban school. She has straight A's, loads of honors and AP classes and scored in the 98th percentile on the PSATs. She is an excellent musician, made all-state band and is currently attending a pre-college music program in NYC on Saturdays. She is also an officer in the school band, a member of the marching band and junior editor of our HS paper.<br>
She is a history/writing/english person although she has excelled in math and science as well. Basically she does not know what she wants to major in - any ideas?
Of course she would like to attend an Ivy but is not getting her hopes up. Her main criteria is a school with an excellent music program (she would like to minor, not major in music performance) and preferably some place warm.<br>
She is not really a party girl and would be very unhappy at a party or "greek" school.
Any ideas???</p>
<p>USC - music major?</p>
<p>Although it’s ANYTHING but warm, Northwestern might be a good option (though I don’t know about it’s party scene).
If she’s into a more liberal artsy type of setting, Oberlin has great humanities and music programs.</p>
<p>eastman school of music in rochester - it’s not warm but it is a great music school and the university of rochester is very strong academically and offers alot of scholastic freedom (no required classes) it’s labeled as a “new ivy” too.</p>
<p>Rice sounds like it would fit. No Greek system at all.</p>
<p>Johns Hopkins University has the Peabody institute of music, one of the nation’s best. Hopkins also has a great english department.</p>
<p>Although not warm, Kenyon (OH), Lawrence University (WI) and College of Wooster (OH) might be worth a look.</p>
<p>How about Carnegie Mellon - College of Fine Arts - School of Music</p>
<p>[Carnegie</a> Mellon School of Music](<a href=“http://music.cmu.edu/]Carnegie”>http://music.cmu.edu/)</p>
<p>Aaah, Rice would be so good BUT is has no music minor. You have to be a music major or nothing!!</p>