Help us freshmen out.

<p>I already have my fair share of problems. I had a late orientation, so there was hardly anything left for me to take. I really want a language class but I couldn't find any. Is possible to get an override of some kind to get into my Spanish class (103)? Is a refresher language course any good? It'd seem like it would suck. </p>

<p>If I can't take Spanish what other language should I consider? I'm just looking for a chic, fun, and useful language to use. I was thinking about Italian, but I'd much rather just learn Spanish. But if Italian is easier and more fun to learn, I'll take it.</p>

<p>My adviser told me not to take a math class since I am undecided and I didn't -- I couldn't find any. Should I avoid math at UMich and take my courses at the local CC during the summer? Should I have listened?</p>

<p>I have an English, Intro to Anthro and History course. I really want to get rid of the Intro to Anthro class and add a language. Should I get rid of the History course (I hear it's good though) for something else? This all seems like a lot of writing.</p>

<p>Can anyone suggest a few easy transition courses? Maybe something to even out a writing-heavy courseload? Is it hard to get the classes you want if you don't have any credits as an incoming freshmen? Thanks.</p>

<p>Chic, fun, and useful....sounds like Latin!</p>