HELP! What should I do even if I'm admitted

<p>I'm an admitted international student. Since I was not awarded any FA or scholarships, I'm disappointed at not being able to go there.
Could anyone tell me is there is any chance that will make the Berkeley edcation affordable? Loan or on-campus work?
Do please give me some help.</p>

<p>I am struggling with the same problem. I hope someone attending Berkeley has an answer, because Berkeley is certainly one of my top choices that I really want to go to.</p>

<p>One thing you can do is go for a semester, drop out, work to make money, then go back. It's difficult for visa issues for international, of course. But it is something to think about. OOS/International tuition is so high, it's hard to do it on your own though.</p>

<p>hope this helps,
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>become an RA! you won't be able to as a freshman, but any year after that you can become a Residential Assistant, and you get free room and board, which knocks off several thousand dollars.</p>

<p>so on my financial aid offer letter it says the 2008-2009 academic year budget for students living on campus is $26,586!!! ahh!</p>

<p>You're not actually gonna spend THAT much. I feel that they over budget for transportation, food etc (which is a good thing). Dorms cost about $13 for a year (including meal plan), and ~8.5k for student fees.</p>