Hope someone can help me. I have been trying to write this paper for almost two weeks and do not know how to start it. The topic is:
Many students expand their view of the world during their time in college. Such growth often results from encounters between students who have lived different cultural, economic, or academic experiences. With your future growth in mind, describe a potential classmate that you believe you could learn from either within or outside a formal classroom environment.
I want to write about somebody Irish because I know nothing about my Irish heritage. I have an introduction sort of speak, but that’s all I have so far. I’m currently at work and do not have the copy of my paper with me. If so, I would post it and let somebody read what I have so far.
Will somebody help me ASAP? I would really appreciate somebody’s input.
<p>Probably what would help you would be to do some basic research on Ireland-- history, current events. Then you could say specifically what you hope to learn from an Irish roommate. Probably you're having difficulty writing what you want to now because you don't know enough about Ireland to be able to say exactly what you hope to learn from an Irish roommate. Do the research to make your vague dream more specific. This suggestion probably sounds time consuming,but Googling Ireland and reading some articles (even the front page of an Irish paper published today) will give you some specifics. Right now, you are trying to run your brain when it's empty on "fuel" related to this subject.</p>
<p>I've already Googled and did some research but nothing seems to work. I guess I'm having trouble describing somebody I don't know. I'm thinking maybe if I do it Journal style. But again, I don't know how to describe them. Do I describe their looks? Put some dialogue in the paper? Maybe, try to make it funny? </p>
<p>I can only write a page because that is the required lenghth. </p>
<p>If I get it written tonight or this weekend, would you or somebody like to read it? I already have somebody who revises my paper, but would really like somebody else's perspective.</p>
<p>You describe them by what's most important to you. What's most important to you in learning about your Irish heritage? </p>
<p>Learning about Irish history, current events, storytelling, popular culture, the place of religion in society, etc.?</p>
<p>Zero in on one or two things, and then describe how having an Irish roomie would teach you these things. </p>
<p>You could use dialogue to describe some possible conversations. You could do an imaginary evening in your dorm room with your roomie. What music might be playing? What subjects might the two of you talk about? What might you want to ask her?</p>
<p>Write it in whatever way seems most comfortable to you. Humor is fine if that's part of who you are.</p>
<p>I don't suggest doing it journal style. That would be too stiff. You can do it more in a story style or essay style.</p>
<p>I don't have time to read your essay, but I wish you well as you do it. :)</p>
<p>Take a look at my thread about a formula for a dynamite essay and adapt what it says to this topic. First, put yourself in the skin of someone you are writing about and start the essay in the middle of a situation. In this case, for example, you could imagine an Irish student, Ryan, landing for the first time in the US, on his way to the school for which you're writing the essay. What is he doing and thinking? Is he nervous? Excited? What does he see as he looks out the window onto a new country where he will live for the next 4 years? Who will he meet? You?</p>
<p>Then go into your meeting and how - even though you aren't coming from a different country - this is a step into the unknown for you as well. What are your feelings in starting this journey? Apprehensive? Excited? You and Ryan have a lot in common already and have much to learn from each other.</p>
<p>Then go back to the story of the first paragraph and tie it all together</p>
<p>Simple, effective, and powerful. A simple formula to follow.</p>
<p>I'm NOT trying to write the essay for you. All I'm doing is suggesting an approach that can get you started writing....</p>