<p>I need help with the following issues:</p>
<p>I got into the University of Maryland College Park, Northeastern University, Syracuse University, and University of Vermont. I need to decide which one to go to. I'm deferring for a year anyway, so I won't be starting until 2010, but I need to tell these colleges by May 1st. </p>
<p>I got into each of these school's business programs, mostly in marketing. However, I already know that I don't want to do marketing if I do business, and I want to major in computer science more than business.</p>
<p>My question is two-fold: which college is right for me, and how should I balance my majors (as in, should I major in Business, minor in Comp Sci, major in Comp Sci and minor in Business, is it even a good idea to major in any of these?) </p>
<p>More information:
Maryland is cool and has a cool computer science program, but is huge and has almost 10,000 more kids attending than any of the schools mentioned here.
Vermont seems awesome but is really cold and I don't like skiing and wintery stuff, plus I'm not sure of it's reputation with either business or comp sci.
Northeastern is located in the coolest place, and I would definitely go here if not for the co-op because if I'm already taking a year off it seems superfluous and detrimental to attend a 5 year school (and graduate when I'm 23).
Syracuse is alright except I'm not a jock-type and not into any sport other than baseball and Syr seems to be all about sports. </p>
<p>Please help!</p>