Help with housing

My ds will be attending UA this fall and is trying to find some roommates. He will be in the honors program in engineering. He has been in contact with one future student via e-mail, but he has not heard back from him on a while. I thought before he requested someone on the UA housing site he should e-mail them first, but he has not received any e-mails back from any other students. I am concerned he is going to just have to pick randomly (which would not be good!). Does anyone have any advice on how to get in contact with a future roommate? Ds is laid back, but very studious and not into partying. He hopes to be involved in club athletics, and will be part of the STEM to MBA program. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Going to try to send you a message

DS did not have luck off the UA website. I “think” he picked two guys off the UA website, one accepted and they never communicated again until they moved in. DS randomly picked a suite w/ 2 open spots. You can read the bios at that time. He changed from the first selection, picked another dorm w/ 2 openings and that was that. Never spoke w/ them before move in either.

They all get along great, hang out together and couldn’t have worked out better. Just remember, the guys just aren’t obsessed w/ this stuff like the girls seem to be. (DS is in Honors, engineering, and 2 of his roommates are also in engineering.)

@laralei Thank you! So, when he does go to pick a housing assignment he will be able to see the profiles? That is good to know. I think I am WAY more concerned about it than my son. But I would like him to have a roommate that is at least somewhat compatible.

Just a comment…the FB page seems to be where the kids find their roommates. I remember last year that in the last week before housing selections are made the boys were all making last minute arrangements for roommates. The girls had had these decisions made for months.

I’m going to message you!

@BlessedMom3 I don’t remember the entire process, but I “think” they don’t see the profiles until they actually pick a room. They can always pick another. My advice if going in as a single, pick a dorm w/ 2 open spots. That way, there won’t be a 3 to 1 scenario.

I know FB is suggested a lot, but it isn’t the only way. DS does not do FB and none of his roommates or current friends used that path either.

Serendipity has a lot to be said for it. Don’t sweat it. If he ends up in a bad situation (highly unlikely), he can put in for a room change.

My son found his 3 roommates on the UA room finder. At first he was hoping to get pulled into RC honors from others but seem to connect with these 3 on the UA room finder site. They are engineers and honors too, and would like to try like to get into RC, but they are not going too picky and have talked about Pres dorms or Bryant. All 3 but my son had registered before Feb 1 so we’ll see. There have been a few more guys posting on the FB page too.