<p>Hi guys! I'm an international student applying to college for fall 2019 :) Not applying for FA. I was hoping you guys have some ideas for schools I could apply to -- or if I'm missing out a school that could possible be a fit? I'm hoping to apply for around 11-12 schools.</p>
<p>SAT 2290 / 790 and 780 for Subject Tests. I'm interested in Anthropology / Languages / Econ. I like a location that urban or close enough to an urban area with a "real" campus (so not NYU) :) I know I have some rural schools on the list but I guess there's other stuff that interests me (e.g. tutorial system at Williams) :) I visited Berkeley and loved the liberal, activist feel (and the proximity to San Francisco), and I'd say I'm quirky / nerdy in the Tufts / Chicago sense but I wouldn't be a fit at Reed (from what I've read). </p>
<p>Anyway, here's my list so far! I'm probably doing EA to Chicago :)</p>
UC Berkeley
<p>Also, I'm not sure about these schools -- could anyone tell me more about them?: </p>
Northwestern </p>
<p>You don’t really mean Fall 2019 do you? For small LACs that are most like UChicago I’d look at Wesleyan and Swarthmore. Williams (and Pomona) are excellent academically and still liberal, but less activist. I’m not sure where I’d place Middlebury, probably more middle-road politically like Williams. (My son is a graduate of Williams, so let me know if you have any specific questions.)</p>
<p>Among the medium sized private on your list Penn, Emory, Rice are similar to each other, but culturally quite different from Chicago. Tufts would have the most overlaps with Chicago.</p>
<p>Berkeley and UMich are huge so you’ll find a little of everything and every culture. </p>
<p>Oh yeah typed too quickly I meant c/o 2019 haha! Thanks! I’ll PM you some specific questions about Williams if I have any
Do you happen then to know of any mid size schools similar to Chicago / Tufts? </p>
<p>I’ll tell you about Rice.
It has that residential college thing going on (I believe Yale has a similar situation?), so the dorms there are less like popular movies and more like Hogwarts. That’s really the best I can explain that. I’ve met kids from Rice and they all love the system. Everybody is thoroughly committed to their college, it looks like a lot of fun. The campus is also very beautiful. It’s relatively close to downtown so the zoo and the museums are fair game. If you’re into traditions, they have plenty of weird ones. Just take a gander at the Wikipedia page. It’s a very respected institution especially in the south. That’s about all I have for you. </p>
Columbia (already on your list), Brown (another reach), JHU, Georgetown
Also Barnard, which although technically an LAC, has the Columbia connection.</p>
<p>In terms of the “feel” of the school, you may be a good fit for Carleton </p>
<p>OP, I completely agree with @ohsomello on this one. Went to a presentation with a couple other schools brushing rice off… Now it is number two on my college list. It is just all in all a really cool college, a great campus, and not a bad education either ;)</p>
<p>@Shawnspencer oh i’ve never really thought about carleton – could you tell me a bit more? </p>
<p>@MightyMouse02 and @ohsomello --sounds good! i’ll check rice out :)</p>
<p>anyone knows a school similar to uc berkeley, but more of a low match/safety?</p>
<p>For a low match/safety try Lewis and Clark in Portland OR. Quirky, nerdy, near metropolitan area. They also have a good number of international students.</p>
<p>Your family is prepared to pay the quarter million dollars it will cost to go to one of these schools? You’ll get no aid at most of them. Have you talked with them about costs?</p>