
<p>I'm looking at schools, and so far this is my list:</p>

<p>carnegie mellon
penn state
phil univ
pratt inst
suny buffalo
univ of penn
penn state
univ of virginia
univ miami
new school univ
(plus if u wanna suggest other schools that would be fine too)</p>

<p>I want to shorten this list, but cannot decide. Help!
<em>financial aid is important!</em></p>

<p>additional info:
currently a junior
want to major in architecture
portfolio in progressÂ…
gpa:93 (approx 3.7)
sat: R 540, W 650, M 690 (gonna take it again)
in various clubs (about 10)
I manage the sound board for almost all school events held in the auditorium including any school plays, concerts, etc.</p>

<p>Drop Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Virginia from your list. Unless you increase your SAT score substantially (we're talking R+M above 1400), you are seriously uncompetitive at all of those schools.</p>