
Well, I want to get into Brown. I was consulting with my guidance counselor, and she said that at the pace I’m going, this will be my schedule:


Math A
World History Honors
Living Enviorment <a href=“10%20GRADE%20CLASS”>1</a>


Math B
English II Honors
Chemistry 11


AP US History
AP English
AP Bio
AP Spanish


AP Calculus

Now, as for extra curriculars:

Sophomore year: Community service - 120 hrs
Junior year: Community service - 120 hrs

Programs: Work, National Honor Society, Swimming.

SAT: 2250
SAT II: US History - 800
English - 790

Based on that, would I be able to get in? What else would I need to do? Any more extracurriculars?

<p>I do feel like your ECs are lacking a little. 'more extracurriculars' shouldn't be the focus - if swimming and service work are your key interests, good for you hehe, but you need some key positions which show insight, leadership, maturity, and talent.</p>

<p>Which programs could I take that would show maturity, leadership etc? And, by the way it looks now, what would be my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>Mm, well, it's not really 'programs' per se. It's more like, showing why you're special, not "here's what I do". Or maybe you're just not being specific enough here? For example: "I debate and write for the newspaper, and do community service" is something that is unremarkable, whereas: "Captained debate team to statewide champs, newspaper editor, and founded a group that holds regular food drives for the poor" is more distinctive.</p>

<p>As to your chances, yes, I think you're at least academically qualified for Brown - tho I've got to say that tiresome but painfully true thing that 'qualified' doesn't equal 'admit', and that everyone's going to wildly guess at you and everyone will be far off the truth.</p>

<p>Well, my school doesn't offer much as it is. I CAN join the debate team, though. I can also do something like 'Community outreach'. How about those two?</p>

<p>Do what you're interested in. Debate team was just a random example, it's not better or worse than swimming - it really comes down to what you're doing/contributing to that activity. If your school doesn't offer something you're interested in, then in a way, that's great, because then you can start your own group which is potentially very valuable.</p>