<p>So I'm a senior this year and am very nervous about college admissions. Would appreciate it if you guys would "chance me" for the following schools.</p>
<p>SAT: 2280- 800M, 780CR, 700 W.
SATII: 800 Math II, 800 World History, 780 Physics.
ACT: 35 Composite.
APs: 5 in Calc BC, 5 in CompSci A, 5 in USH, 4 in English Language.
GPA: 97/100 Weighted, Approx. 95/100 Non-Weighted.</p>
<p>ECs: Usual "laundry list" of activities(volunteer, clubs, sports, internships). Nothing special. No leadership positions.</p>
<p>I go to a competitive public school.</p>
Columbia ED
Northwestern University
Williams College
Swarthmore College
NYU Stern
Rutgers Honors
Penn State Schreyer</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys :D.</p>